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Message from The Chairman Taqwa School

Message from Taqwa School Board Chairman


To enroll your child please fill in the admission form, we will send you more details prior to scheduling an interview.


At Taqwa, we strive to provide the best possible education to our communities. We'd love to hear from you.


Construction of the Year 7 & 8 building has Alhamdulillah been completed. Insha Allah, classes will start in January 2024.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide high-quality education in an Islamic environment that inspires students to achieve their full potential.


Islamic learning environment

We provide a secure Islamic learning environment promoting the development of knowledge, confidence, creativity, and skills.


Successul global citizens

We help our children become happy, healthy, caring and successful local, national and global citizens.


Attain full potential

We provide inclusive, democratic and positive learning environment where every individual is valued, self-belief is encouraged and each individual is able to achieve their full potential.


at the school

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Message from the principal

Assalamualaikum, Dear Brothers and Sisters,


Term 4, 2023

Alhamdulillah, we are working hard to provide state of art education to our students in Term 4. To enhance the student learning, we have appointed some specialist teachers to provide students with additional numerary, science, literacy, and spellings sessions to compliment normal teaching to the special-need students. We have also appointed a Counsellor to provide support to our students. Kindy students are now being taught by a team of two experienced teachers instead of just one teacher. 

In this term and beyond, we are also looking forward to working with the parents and community members. The term will span over 10 weeks, and the teaching will continue until 12 p.m. on Wednesday the 13th of December 2023. Thursday and Friday (14th and 15th December) are set aside for parent-teacher face to face or online meetings. Kindy Orientation Day will be organised on Thursday the 14th of December when all registered KG students for year 2024, parents, and teachers will have a get together at the school. In 2024, Insha Allah there will be two Kindy classes, each with a maximum of 25 students. 

Saturday the 21st of October will be School Open Day when parents and community members can visit the school and meet the staff. Food and recreation facilities will be provided by the school, free of charge. The open day activities will be organized by the Parents and Friends (PnF) of Taqwa. Please let your friends know.  

Term 1, 2024

As informed earlier, in 2024, we shall start 4 new classes to the primary section and will have Year 7 & 8 classes in 2024. As a school policy, we have separate classes for boys and girls after Year 4. Insha Allah, we expect to have 350 students in 2024. Due to additional classes, we do have a limited number of spaces available in all classes. Available student spaces are filling at a very fast rate. Anyone wishing to admit their children to Taqwa school, should contact the school as soon as possible. 

We have now started the process of completing the admissions to KG to Year 8 for 2024. Due to upcoming increase of the staff salaries, the Taqwa board is considering hiking student fees from 2024. To avoid the possible hike in the fees, parents are invited to pay (before 15th December 2023) year 2024 fees at the rate of 2023. A 10% discount on tuition fees will also be applied if the total fee of 2024 was paid in 2023. As usual, sibling discount will still be applicable. 

We have also started preparations for Year 9 & 10 classes to be start in January 2025. Construction for several classrooms to accommodate year 9 & 10 classes, as well as to take care of the expansion of primary section, will commence very soon. Insha Allah, we shall receive some government funding for a part of this project and the rest of the project will be funded by the community and school.

We are also hopeful to start the first phase of the multi-purpose hall in January 2024. The multi-purpose hall will cost more than 4.5 million dollars. We have applied for some funding from the government grant. Please make dua’a for the success of these projects. Other future projects include a new Administration Block, full-sized soccer field, a library, a Higher Secondary College (for Years 11 & 12), and a swimming pool. 

Please guide me by providing your feedback

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Dr Mohammad Yamin

Moncrieff Campus 

Campus expansion project

Taqwa School is currently awaiting the application for grants to commence the second phase of the interim secondary building, this building will cater for year 9 & 10. 

Construction of the new building commenced in September 2022, and was completed August 2023. We need your support and generous donations for the development of the school. We want to provide the best educational environment possible for our children and the future generations to come.  

Preparation are being made for the construction of the secondary building and multi-purpose hall. InshaAllah we need your generous donations and constant dua for the success of the these projects.

Current projects
Help Taqwa School Grow bigger

Sadaqah Jariya

"Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He will multiply it for him and he will have a noble reward" [Quran 57:11] "When a person dies, all their deeds end except three: a continuing charity, beneficial knowledge and a child who prays for them" (Hadith, Muslim). Help build a school with the goal to build our precious children’s minds, manners, and Taqwa — Consciousness of God. We have been educating and enriching young minds for eight years — help take this institution to the next level of growth and service by helping us build this new world-class campus, with a prayer room and lecture halls. All this to provide our children and families with the support and care they need to navigate a great future ahead InshaAllah.




Sadaqah for Construction and Future Development of Taqwa School 
Account Name: Canberra Muslim Youth
BSB: 062913
Account: 10662774
Reference: Moncrieff School Construction